Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It doesn't taste good

If you have any small children, you know that trying to get them to eat their vegetables can be like pulling teeth. My sister has two young children: one will eat meat and cheese while the other prefers solely a candy diet, but will sometimes break down and eat a few items on her dinner plate.

So how do you get kids, or even yourself, to eat healthy?

Snacks! Children get about 1/4 of their nutrition a day from snacks and instead of giving them sugar and fat filled treats, try making some delicious, yet nutritious fun snacks. Family has a lot of great treat ideas, a couple of my favorites are:


4 oranges
4 cups orange juice
4 cherries

Cut the tops off the oranges in a zigzag pattern. Hollow out the insides, remove the seeds and combine in a blender with the juice. Set the rinds in a muffin tin and fill with the mixture. Drop a cherry inside each orange. Freeze for 2 to 3 hours. Soften the treats for 5 minutes, then serve. Makes 4.


Place a graham cracker in a plastic baggy, seal it shut and crush the crackers into a fine sand using a large spoon.

Add a few raisins to the bag and have the kids dig for bugs in the sand. Experiment with other tasty critters--dried cranberry "ladybugs," carob chip "ants" and fruit snack "worms."

1 comment:

Lauren Nelson said...

ha ha those are some fun things to do with kids! I like it. And inexpensive